A Nevada Advocacy Group WantsTo Derail Public Funding For Proposed Las Vegas Athletics Baseball Stadium

Shane Langelier Doubles Oakland Wins 6th In A Row
(AP Photo/Jed Jacobsohn)

The group wants to put the funding issue before voters in 2024.

Major League Baseball’s Oakland soon to be Las Vegas Athletics’ franchise president Dave Kaval is a “Lecturer in Management” at Stanford University which is located in the Oakland Athletics’ baseball market in Stanford, California. So it might be interesting if one of Kaval’s students was to inquire about the impact a group called “Save Our Schools” might have on the timeline of Kaval’s business moving to Las Vegas. Kaval might have to explain that the public funding of nearly $400 million for the project might have to be put on hold until at least July, 2024 because the group is challenging the public funding portion of the stadium tab. “Schools Over Stadiums”  is working in conjunction with the Nevada State Education Association. It has filed a referendum petition with the goal of putting the question of whether $380 million in public funding for the proposed Las Vegas Athletics’ stadium should be put before voters statewide in November 2024.

“Save Our Schools” will need 102,362 valid signatures split evenly between Nevada’s four congressional districts by July 2024 to qualify for the ballot in November. Dawn Etcheverry, Schools Over Stadiums president, explained why the group is opposed to the public funding. “Nevada’s priorities are misguided and our goal was to ensure that public funds go to the services Nevadans depend on like our public schools, not to a California billionaire for a stadium.” The stadium public funding would come from $180 million in transferable tax credits and $120 million in county bonds. There would be the creation of a special tax district around the stadium that allegedly would generate enough money to pay off those bonds and interest. The stadium plan allegedly would not raise taxes. John Fisher’s Athletics’ business would not pay property taxes for the stadium. Clark County would also contribute $25 million in credit toward infrastructure costs. Fisher’s Athletics’ stadium game continues.

Evan Weiner’s books are available at iTunes – https://books.apple.com/us/author/evan-weiner/id595575191

Evan can be reached at evan_weiner@hotmail.com

22 Dawn Headshot
Dawn Etcheverry