Orioles’ Ownership And Maryland Might Have A New Stadium Lease Deal

(AP Photo/Julio Cortez)"

There is a framework for a ballpark deal in Baltimore.

Then there were seven, maybe. There are seven stadium situations that Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred needs to resolve. Maybe.  The Baltimore Orioles’ ownership group and the state of Maryland may have a deal that in theory could keep the baseball team in Camden Yards through 2052, which coincidentally would be the 100th season of Orioles baseball. The Baltimore Orioles’ franchise has never recognized its St. Louis or Milwaukee roots. The original Milwaukee Brewers’ franchise was part of the new American League in 1901. The team moved to St. Louis in 1902 and remained in the city until 1953. The team was purchased by Baltimore interests and dropped the Browns’ name and the team’s history in an effort to start with a clean slate although the team did have Browns’ players moving to Baltimore.

With Baltimore’s lease deal possibly done, Manfred can move onto getting an owners’ vote on whether the Oakland Athletics franchise can move to Las Vegas after the 2024 season and Manfred can also continue his childish and boorish behavior condemning Oakland politicians for not doing right by Athletics’ owner John Fisher and gifting him a stadium. Then there is the Tampa Bay Rays’ St. Petersburg plan to build a stadium-village which remains a plan and not a done deal.  The five other stadium problems include Phoenix where Diamondbacks’ ownership is complaining that no one wants to help them out financially to build a new stadium or renovate the present park, the south side of Chicago where White Sox ownership is figuring out what to do with its stadium. In Milwaukee where politicians are discussing financing a Milwaukee Brewers’ stadium renovation. A plan to build a new stadium in Kansas City seemingly has stalled and things seem to be quiet in Anaheim for the moment. MLB owners, though, keep looking for public money.

Evan Weiner’s books are available at iTunes – https://books.apple.com/us/author/evan-weiner/id595575191

Evan can be reached at evan_weiner@hotmail.com

Orioles AP/PHPTO