Mexico Wants The 2036 Summer Olympics


A number of countries plan to bid for the Games.

For politicians and business leaders of countries there is something seductive when they think about the Olympics. They want to host the event although that does not seem to square with the local population. Many a politician has attempted to nab an Olympics for his or her city, state or country and many have failed because the local citizens don’t want to put up money, be inconvenienced by Olympics rules which may range from closing off roads during rush hour to banning speakers at public libraries who point out things like the cost of the event. But political and business leaders still go after the Olympics and try to convince people that spending billions of dollars on a two-week sports gathering will have immeasurable benefits although the actual event is a money loser.

Mexico is the latest country that wants to host an event. International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach stopped by the country recently and found out that Mexico wants the 2036 event. Political and business leaders in Egypt, England, India, Indonesia, Qatar and South Korea also have expressed interest in holding the 2036 Games and Germany may also make a run at the event although it would coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Berlin or Hitler Summer Olympics and that might not be in good taste although the IOC never does anything in good taste. Bach received a letter of intent from the Mexican Olympic Committee which outlined the reasons the IOC should choose the country. “Mexico has, in various cities and regions, the sports, economic, and hotel infrastructure to celebrate successful, austere, and universal Olympic Games that promote the values of peace, brotherhood, and justice in what we believe.” Olympic values are questionable at best. The Olympic movement wanted to expel women from the event and has given dictators the event.

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President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach announces Brisbane as the 2032 Summer Olympics host city during the 138th IOC Session at Hotel Okura in Tokyo, Wednesday, July 21, 2021. (Toru Hanai/Pool Photo via AP)