Pete Rose Hall Of Famer? Not Quite Yet


Rob Manfred is weighing a return of Rose to baseball’s good graces.

Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred is reportedly considering reinstating Pete Rose to the good graces of Major League Baseball which would open the door for Rose to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. Major League Baseball and the Baseball Hall of Fame are separate entities. In 1991, the Baseball Hall of Fame passed a rule declaring that any player ruled ineligible by Major League Baseball could not appear on a Hall of Fame ballot. The Hall of Fame is an independent, non-profit institution that honors those who have made outstanding contributions to baseball. The Hall of Fame prevents the induction of people on Baseball’s “permanently ineligible” list. People like “Shoeless Joe” Jackson and Rose banned from Major League Baseball for life for actions related to gambling. Jackson took money in 1919 with seven other members of the Chicago White Sox to throw the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. Though the eight players were acquitted by a jury, they were thrown out of baseball. Rose has never appeared on a Hall of Fame ballot.

Manfred has a possible Presidential pardon of Rose because of an income tax evasion jail term and a petition before him asking him to reverse the 1989 Rose baseball ban because he may have bet on baseball. He did bet on baseball, but. Rose accepted a permanent spot on the ineligible list in return for MLB’s promise to make no official finding in relation to betting on the Cincinnati Reds when he was their manager in the 1980s. MLB’s investigator, John Dowd as a civilian lawyer broke the agreement repeatedly by saying Rose bet on baseball. Rose died on September 30th, 2024 and is no longer on the ineligible list because his lifetime ban is allegedly over as he is dead.

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