Broncos’ Ownership Is Evaluate Its Stadium Situation


The Broncos’ ownership lease with Denver officials ends in 2031.

To build or not to build, that is the question that is being pondered by the National Football League’s Denver Broncos ownership. Broncos’ CEO Greg Penner is not saying whether the Broncos ownership wants to build a new facility in Denver but the ownership group is “evaluating options.” The football franchise’s deal with the local municipality ends following the 2031 season. Generally, owners begin making noise about the need to either renovate a facility or build an entirely new venue about seven years prior to the end of a lease agreement.

“I’ve been getting the stadium questions since Day 1 about two years ago,” team president Damani Leech said. “We’ll continue to get that. I think the answer is the same one. It’s a pretty long process. We’re still evaluating everything. Everything’s on the table. We’ll continue to explore it and make a decision at a time that makes sense for us.” In January, Penner said. “Stadium nothing to update there.  We’re continuing to evaluate options. It’s a long-term, complex question of what we end up doing there. I will say that I was pleased with the impact of the upgrades that we made this last offseason. I think that fans, from the feedback that we got, appreciated it as well.” In 2023, Broncos’ ownership began reaching out to its customers in a quest to find out what the people paying the bills wanted. The National Football League is in a new cycle of stadium building, whether it is a new venue or simply renovating an old facility. Ownership groups in Buffalo and Nashville are getting new places with a good chunk of the funding coming from taxpayers. There will be stadium renovations in Baltimore and Jacksonville. Owners in Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Kansas City  and Washington want new stadium deals. It is just business.

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Greg Penner