Houston, We’ve Had A Problem

The Astrodome

The ownership of the NFL’s Texans may want a new stadium.

Are you ready to add Houston to the list of National Football League cities that have an old stadium that needs an upgrade? The ownership group of the Houston Texans franchise has not yet made its desires known but it has dropped a hint that the time is near where there needs to be a very serious discussion about the fate of the soon-to-be 23-year-old stadium. Does Texans ownership want a new stadium or will it settle for a major renovation like the one underway in Baltimore for the NFL’s Ravens’ ownership? A report published by the Houston Chronicle said the Texans’ ownership has “explored the possibility” of building a new stadium. A facility assessment marked the Texans’ home facility in the “average or below average” category compared to other NFL stadiums.

Houston got an NFL expansion franchise in 1999 because of the promise of building a new stadium beating out Los Angeles. For Houston, replacing stadiums and arenas has become commonplace. Harris County built the Houston Astrodome which opened in 1965. It was known as the Eighth Wonder of the World when it made its debut. It was supposed to last forever. It has been empty for more than 25 years. The structure is still standing but no one has quite figured out what to do with the structure. Harris County put up a baseball stadium for Major League Baseball’s Houston Astros franchise in 2000 and the football stadium in 2002 to take care of owners’ needs. Houston built an indoor arena that opened in 1975 and lasted until 2003 when a modern facility opened to house the National Basketball Association’s Houston Rockets franchise. That building is now home to Lakewood Church. Houston and Harris County are in an endless cycle of needing to constantly upgrade sports facilities.

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Evan can be reached at evan_weiner@hotmail.com