Home Featured Port Carolette Is Ready to welcome the Rays back home for Spring Training after Hurricane Ian kept them away in 2023.

Port Carolette Is Ready to welcome the Rays back home for Spring Training after Hurricane Ian kept them away in 2023.


The Tampa Bay Rays are going to their Spring Training home at facilities in Port Charlotte. Extensive wind and water damage caused by Hurricane Ian forced the team to juggle between four different facilities during Spring Training in 2023.

“Parts of the roof that were off and wrapped around trees throughout the parking lot, what were the light towers you could stand underneath and look up, and they were bowed significantly,” Charlotte County Community Services Director Tommy Scott said. “It was so devastating to walk through it.” 

The county spent an estimated $17 million dollars to repair and upgrade the Rays southern home and to make it very fan friendly.

“What you’ve seen is a lot of just putting back what we had. There have been some improvements, but they won’t be as outstanding to people, I would assume,” Scott said. “Our fans should walk in and expect the same stellar experience that they have always had here at the Charlotte Sports Park.” 

The Rays front office have been working with the Port Charlotte team to get things all set for the ball club.

“Being in one place for the full six weeks will probably be really helpful for them to get settled in,” said Tampa Bay Rays Special Projects and Field Operations Director Dan Moeller.