Broncos Ownership May Make A Decision Soon About Denver Stadium Plans

Is the present Broncos' stadium obsolete?

The Broncos ownership might be looking at a Denver suburb.

To build or not to build, that is the question that is being pondered by the National Football League’s Denver Broncos ownership. Do we want a new stadium or renovate the present stadium or do we want to move to a different location in the Denver area. Broncos president Damani Leech said the decision is coming soon. The football franchise’s deal with the local municipality ends following the 2030 season. Generally, owners begin making noise about the need to either renovate a facility or build an entirely new venue about seven years prior to the end of a lease agreement.

It appears that Broncos’ ownership has an eye on a number of spots that could house a new stadium including places in Denver. The latest location of interest for Broncos’ ownership is Lone Tree, which is about 15 miles south of where the current stadium is located and near the Broncos’ team facility in Englewood. Lone Tree could not handle building a Broncos’ stadium by itself. The town has a population of about 14,000 people. It is the home to Colorado’s largest shopping mall and is a bedroom community, a Denver suburb. For a stadium to be built in Lone Tree, Broncos’ ownership and Colorado taxpayers would have to put up money.  In 2023, Broncos’ ownership began reaching out to its customers in a quest to find out what the people paying the bills wanted. The National Football League is in a new cycle of stadium building, whether it is a new venue or simply renovating an old facility. Ownership groups in Baltimore, Buffalo, Jacksonville and Nashville are getting new or renovated facilities with a good chunk of the funding for the venues coming from taxpayers. Owners in Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Kansas City and Washington want new stadium deals. It is just business.

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Denver Broncos ownership may want a new stadium