Is it Cleveland or Brook Park?
You wonder if the owners of the National Football League’s Cleveland Browns franchise, Jimmy and Dee Haslam, know what the word ambiguity means. Ambiguity is a noun that according to Webster’s Dictionary, ambiguity is a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways. Ambiguity can also describe the Haslam’s position in the northeast Ohio or Cleveland stadium game. The Haslams want money to renovate the Cleveland stadium that houses its business or they want money to help build a stadium village in Brook Park which is about 14 miles from Cleveland. That money will come from Cleveland or Ohio taxpayers. There will not be any decision soon but Brook Park according to the Haslams is catching their eye. “While significant work remains, the more we have explored the Brook Park option, the more attractive it has become. We have invested heavily in exploring this path and remain engaged with the City of Cleveland regarding a potential renovation plan, but it remains a complex and challenging proposition.”
While Cleveland is nice and a good fallback option, that stadium-village 14 miles southwest of Cleveland is tempting for the Haslams. “The Brook Park site is the most compelling option for a dome for several reasons: its central location for our regional fan base, its proximity to downtown, the RTA and the airport, and its strong existing infrastructure. The large footprint is also ripe for major economic development and supports ample parking and optimized ingress/egress for our visitors. Our diligence of the site is ongoing, but our work to date has shown positive results on the FAA, environmental and traffic/infrastructure fronts.” There is a simple answer to the Haslam’s ambiguity. Show the Haslams the two taxpayers money proposals and let them pick the better financial deal.
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