Forsyth County, Georgia residents want an arena built.
Dear National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman and the owners of the 32 National Hockey League franchises, I know the Atlanta metropolitan area has failed twice as an NHL market. But I implore you to take another look at us, we are ready to build an area about 30 miles north of Atlanta as part of a project called The Gathering in Alpharetta. The local population is on board as on Election Day, they approved a referendum by 12 points, 56-44, giving Forsyth County, Georgia officials the right to exercise powers under the Redevelopment Powers Law to approve a tax allocation district, also called a TAD. As you know Commissioner Bettman and the 32 owners, that is going to allow us to keep tax money with a 100.3 acre district to fund an arena village. Here is the catch though, the arena will not be built until, Commissioner Bettman, about a two-thirds majority of NHL owners say yes to an expansion and we do know that expansion is not a front burner issue. As you know, Commissioner Bettman, Forsyth County had already approved a $200 million bond to develop a new arena at The Gathering at South Forsyth. “The county can now work to finalize project details so we can demonstrate that The Gathering at South Forsyth is truly shovel ready.” Sincerely, Vernon Krause, the developer of The Gathering.
Atlanta twice failed as an NHL market for one very basic reason. Poor ownership. The first Atlanta franchise operated between 1972 and 1980. Flames owner Tom Cousins had financial problems and was forced to sell the Flames to ward off bankruptcy. The second franchise called the Thrashers lasted from 1999 through 2011. The franchise was sold to Winnipeg investors and relocated to Manitoba. Is the third time a charm? No one will know unless the Atlanta area gets a franchise.

The Gathering