More Than Two Years After A Land Agreement There Still Is No New Ottawa Senators Arena


Michael Andlauer is still mulling over his options.

Michael Andlauer who has owned the National Hockey League’s Ottawa Senators franchise since last September still has not made the decision that will impact his business for decades. What should he do when it comes to deciding where the team should play? Andlauer has not yet warmed up to a plan for a new arena at the LeBreton Flats parcel that the former ownership group was pursuing. On June 23rd, 2022, the Senators business received preferred bidder status from the National Capital Commission for the site located 10 minutes west of Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, the seat of the Canadian Government. Then Senators’ owner Eugene Melnyk, just before his passing on March 28th, 2022 signed off on an expression of interest to build a LeBreton Flats events center and a hotel.

During the bidding process for the Senators franchise, the NHL made it clear that the winner did not have to go through with the LeBreton Flats plan. There still could be a deal according to NCC CEO Tobi Nussbaum. But Nussbaum also needs to have a backup plan if Andlauer finds a better deal somewhere in the Ottawa market. “There’s no question that there will be a point at which that we’ll have to have a lease or not,” Nussbaum said. “I can’t say with 100 percent certainty when that is. Is it September? I certainly hope so. That’s our hope that we can get all the work done by then.” Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe wants something done soon. “Maybe we can have a new park downtown, maybe we can have other attractions downtown and, maybe, we can have a conversation about a downtown arena,” Sutcliffe said. “If the Senators are interested in exploring a downtown option, I think it would be great for the downtown core.” The clock in the Ottawa arena game is ticking.

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