Tag: Richard Nixon
It Is President Day
The U. S. President has a role in sports.
It is President’s Day. The chief executive of the United States has an impact on just...
Nixon Said Goodbye 50 Years Ago
Nixon had a sports record.
It was 50 years ago on August 9th, 1974 that Richard Nixon resigned as the President of the United States...
Happy Birthday Title IX
Richard Nixon signed the measure into law on June 23, 1972.
June 23rd marks the 52nd anniversary of the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act...
Presidents Day And Sports Decisions They Made
Sometimes the decisions impacted more than the sports world
It is President’s Day. The chief executive of the United States has an impact on just...
President Nixon Resigned 49 Years But His Impact On Sports Is...
Nixon had four major sports issues during his five years in office.
It was 49 years ago on August 9th, 1974 that Richard Nixon resigned...
Could Germany Bid For The 2036 Summer Olympics And Celebrate The...
Germany has had problems getting local support to host an Olympics event.
The German Olympic Sports Confederation is going around the country asking people what...